Holland Society - American organization for discovery and preservation of documentation about New Netherland inhabitants in the Dutch colonial era.
Onrust Project - The first Dutch ship built in the Americas - a true life reconstruction performed in Schenectady. Here is also a blog entry about the launching with several pictures.
THE HALF MOON:Many special thanks to Sir William 'Chip' Reynolds, Skipper of the Half
Moon, and the New Netherland Museum http://www.newnetherland.org/ for
the very interesting and motivating presentations on trips aboard the
Half Moon. You can view more information about the Half Moon
at /http://www.halfmoon.mus.ny.us/ . The Half Moon is a full size replica of Henry Hudson's 1609 ship De Halve Maen.
Dutch in America - English Language News for the Dutch in America
Picassa - a free photo management program from Google that allows organization, importing, and exporting of photos in various sizes and pixel densities - excellent for web publication.